As we enter 2011, there are many things that we would all like to improve. Weight Loss is the proverbial New Year's resolution followed by health and happiness. Nonetheless, from the prospective of your lawyers there is one change that we constantly remind you of; your insurance choices.
There are countless times a client contacts our office and indicates they have "full coverage". Nine times out of Ten this is not the case. We would urge you with the New Year upon us to have your insurance agent review your policy with you. We would strongly suggest that you make the following choices:
1. Full Tort - Please do not give up your rights to save a modest sum of money! Limited Tort is like it sounds!
2. Uninsured Motorist Coverage - protect yourself from those that are uninsured.
3. PIP coverage - $5,000 is the minimum coverage provided for medical payments. Do you really think this is enough coverage if you are hospitalized?
Please consider the above and contact your insurance agent for a complete review of your policy.
Our best to you and your loved ones in 2011!